Late Summer

Monachus Late Summer

Sastojci: dinja, suhe smokve

Ingredients: muskmelon fruit, dried figs

Alc.vol.: 39%

Okusom Late Summera htjeli smo uhvatiti onaj zreli, nostalgični, zadnji dio ljeta. Late Summer je naš destilat van uobičajenih kategorija, napravljen od ekološki proizvedenih dinja, voća koje dolazi kasnije u ljetu i smokava sušenih na suncu, poslastice koja dolazi na kraju, kao sjećanje na ljeto.

We created Late Summer as a mean to capture that ripe, nostalgic, last stretch of summer. Made of organic musk melons, a fruit that comes later in the summer, and sundried figs, a treat that comes at the end, as a reminiscense of summer.

Za drugu seriju Late Summera koristili smo izrazito slatke biološke dinje iz Barbana. Destilat koji smo dobili od tih dinja, imao je vrlo jasnu, mirisnu notu dinje- kako bismo dalje razradili ideju i naglasili note kasnog ljeta, u destilatu dinje macerirali smo smokve sušene na pločanskom suncu. Završni proizvod, iako filtriran, viskozne je, sirupaste teksture i prekrasne boje breskve.

For our second batch, we used organic musk melons from Barban in central Istria, whose extravagantly sweet aroma resulted in a crystal clear melon scent- just what we were looking for.

To enhance the idea and taste of the last days of summer, the ultimate late summer fruit was added to the combination. Sun-dried figs without sugar or additives came from Ploče in the south of Croatia. As the final step, we left the dried figs to macerate in musk melon distillate and then filtered the final product.

Dried figs from the south of Croatia

Miris i okus: punog okusa i slatkoće dobivene isključivo od dinje i suhih smokava. Na nosu slatki miris dinja i suhih smokava sadrži note smeđeg šećera i vanilije. U okusu se izražena sirupasta aroma dinja pretvara u smokvu, koja u aftertasteu dugo ostaje na jeziku- kao da ste netom pojeli suhu smokvu.

Late Summer je naša verzija likera bez dodanog šećera, umjetnih zaslađivača i bojila.

Zamišljen je kao desertno piće, samostalno ili uz nešto slatko.

The result is a full-bodied, flavorful distillate with sweetness and syrupy texture of the liquid coming exclusively from the fruit. To the nose, the sweet scent of musk melon and dried figs contains molasses and vanilla notes. On the palate, syrupy musk melon smoothly slips into a fig that keeps lingering in the aftertaste, as if you had just eaten a dried fig.

Our version of liqueur, with no sugar, artificial sweeteners, or colors added. It works well as a dessert drink, either neat or along with something sweet.

Late Summer Monachus